Why Good Handwriting matters?

Before we know about good handwriting, we need to remind ourselves why we write. We write inorder to:

  • Remind ourselves of something we want to remember
  • Tell another person what we know
  • Let a person know what we want

"Make no mistake, if handwriting has a poor appearance, the writer is judged poorly by our culture. This won't end tomorrow. Surface features will always attract far more attention than underlying structures. For a person who has poor handwriting, the road ahead is difficult. In spite of the high quality of his ideas and information, the writer will bear a lifelong burden. But such a fate is unnecessary...for those who know how writers develop their skill in handwriting." - Donald Graves, "A Fresh Look at Writing.

Handwriting is not an isolated activity; neither can it be seen solely as a motor activity (all about movement). It is part of language activity. Virginia Berninger refers to handwriting as ‘language by hand’, which is a useful reminder of its context and purpose.

Handwriting is language by hand

Writing needs to be legible

  • “Legible” means that our writing is easy to read.
  • We need to be able to read what we write.
  • Others need to be able to read what we write.

Further ...

  • A student's inability to record information in a consistent and legible form can slow down their progress.
  • This can lead to frustration and possibly unfriendliness with a system assessment is linked to the written exams.
  • Handwriting difficulties can, therefore, weaken educational progress and interfere with learning.
  • Handwriting fluency can affect completing written assignments, ability to take notes during lectures and frequency of writing
  • A large amount of time in school is spent up in writing notes, assignment and copying from the board. Lack of handwriting speed can lead to loss of motivation and evading of school work.
  • Bad handwriting can lead teachers to misunderstand what is written and prompt them to depart with low marks in examinations.
  • Handwriting speed and style is a factor in student achievement, regardless of ability.
  • The use of fixed-time examinations is used in schools and colleges. Students with slow writing speed will not be able to complete the exams even if they know all the answers.
  • Students achieving higher marks tend to write at a higher speed and better handwriting style than those who underachieved.
    The evidence from various studies suggested that handwriting quality and quantity are strongly associated with examination achievement.
  • A student's inability to record information in a consistent and legible form can slow down their progress.
  • Bad Handwriting can lead to frustration and possibly unfriendliness with a system assessment is linked to the written exams.
  • Handwriting difficulties can, therefore, weaken educational progress and interfere with learning.

Handwriting and Examination

  • Handwriting style is a factor in student achievement, regardless of ability.
  • The use of fixed-time examinations is used in schools and colleges. Students with slow writing speed will not be able to complete the exams even if they know all the answers.
  • Students achieving higher marks tend to write better handwriting style than those who underachieved.
  • The evidence from various studies suggested that handwriting quality and quantity are strongly associated with examination achievement.

In daily life

  • You will be able to note down anything clearly and legibly. Example - a phone number while you are on a mobile phone.
  • Write your letters and address on envelopes legibly and neatly.
  • Doctors will be able to write their prescription legibly, ensuring safety to their patients.
  • You will be able to convey the correct instruction to your subordinates preventing misinterpretation.
  • Your boss will be able to decipher your reports correctly.
Examination Writing | Writing Fatigue |  Writing & Cyber Age |  Tips for Legibility | Improve Motor Skills
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